Waste Energy Making Jam

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Waste Energy Making Jam” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000299 date January 16, 2021.


Definition 1:
To damage (the surface of something) or hurt (a part of your body) by rubbing something rough or sharp against it or by making it rub against something rough or sharp .

Someone had scraped the car with a key.
I scraped one of the chairs while bringing it up the stairs.
I scraped my knee when I fell.
Definition 2:
To rub or cause (something) to rub against a hard surface and make a harsh and usually unpleasant sound no obj + obj .

Fingernails scraping against a blackboard
The sound of chairs scraping on the floor as people stood to leave
The boat scraped against the edge of the dock.
She scraped her fingernails across the blackboard.
The deer scraped its antlers against the tree.
Definition 3:
To remove (something) from a surface by rubbing an object or tool against it often + off .

Scrape the seeds into a bowl.
Scrape the paint from the wood.
The tool was used to scrape hair off buffalo skins.
Scrape the scales off the fish.
He scraped off the dirt from his shoes.
Definition 4:
To clean (something) by rubbing an object or tool against it .

Please scrape your plate into the trash.
Definition 5:
To barely succeed in collecting or gathering (something needed or wanted) by making an effort + together or up .

He managed to scrape up enough money for lunch.
We scraped enough players together to play basketball.

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