Very Much The Opposite!

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Very Much The Opposite!” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000496 date August 01, 2021.


Definition 1:
Small in size .

She has little feet.
A little island/airplane
A little business
Our school is little.
A tiny little fish
This room is littler [=(more commonly) smaller] than that one.
Definition 2:
Not tall :short .

A little man
A littler [=(more commonly) smaller, shorter] man
Definition 3:
Small in amount .

I have very little money, so I can’t lend you any.
I have less money than I did before.
I got very little sleep last night.
There’s little hope of a rescue now.
You have little choice but to pay attention.
The new version bears little resemblance to the original.
These programs have very/precious little chance of succeeding.
The help he offered us was too little, too late. [=it was not as much help as we needed and it was offered too late to be helpful]
There has been little if any improvement. [=there has been almost no improvement]
These trinkets have little or no value.
There was no little sadness in his voice. [=there was a lot of sadness in his voice]
Definition 4:
Not having many things or people included .

We’re having a little party this weekend.
A little group of people
A little village
Her little hometown
Definition 5:
Young or younger .

I loved swimming when I was little.
A little boy/girl
He’s very proud of his little boy/girl. [=of his young son/daughter]
How’s your little one? [=your young(est) son or daughter]
My little brother/sister [=my brother/sister who is younger than I am]
Definition 6:
Not lasting for a long time .

I have to take a little break.
We sat down for a little chat.
We talked for a little while.
Definition 7:
Not very important sometimes used in an ironic way to describe something important .

There are a few little problems that still have to be dealt with.
He memorized every little detail of the scene.
There’s just one little problem we haven’t discussed: the company is going bankrupt!
I need to talk to you about the little matter of the money you owe me.
Definition 8:
Not easily seen, heard, etc. .

He gave her a little smile.
She made a little wave with her hand.
She spoke in a quiet little voice.
Definition 9:
used to refer to someone or something in an approving or friendly way .

That’s a nice little car you’ve got there.
You poor little thing.
Bless your little heart.
Definition 10:
used to refer to someone or something in a disapproving or critical way .

He’s a little jerk.
It was a mean little joke.
She has a dirty little secret.
Definition 11:
Not open to new ideas .

People with little [=small, narrow] minds

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