The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001521 Answers

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Each crossword clue is hyperlinked to a dedicated page where you’ll find its corresponding answer.

Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001521 Answers for Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Across Clues

8 On Mars a peculiar blue?
9 Sailor with poem finds home
10 Opinion given one way or another
11 Rich food source of tummy upset
12 Dicky entered as Walford resident
15 Six-footer in American trip
16 Slippery character into free love
17 Poor surgeon accepting credit for sponge
20 Hide whenever in California
22 Ben or John left in posh school?
24 Pole with spike for blind
25 Horrible statue one in place

Down Clues

1 Courage beer container
2 Ireland participating in murder investigation
3 Parent in steamship suffocates
4 Football team brought together
5 Part of Samoa, huge Pacific location
6 Mozart’s animal band?
7 Modern, being on the money
13 One to suppress unwanted report?
14 Way round check in casino game
16 Tax cut
18 Really enjoy condiment
19 Forest officer in mountains on run
21 Take home from near neighbours
23 Run first in The Listener

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