Spirited Quartet Into Beer

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Spirited Quartet Into Beer” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000576 date October 20, 2021.


Definition 1:
Having life :living :not dead .

It feels great to be alive.
The patient was barely alive.
The sheriff was ordered to find the killer and bring him back alive.
She must be the happiest woman alive. [=the happiest woman in the world]
He managed to stay alive for a week without any food.
The patient is being kept alive by artificial means.
Definition 2:
Continuing to exist .

An old tradition that is still alive
We tried to keep the organization alive [=active] despite having fewer members.
We need to keep hope alive.
Definition 3:
Not yet defeated :still having a chance to win or succeed .

The legislation is still alive in the Senate. [=the legislation has not been defeated yet]
The team needs to win tonight in order to stay alive in the play-offs.
Definition 4:
Filled with life and energy often + with .

I love to sail because it makes me feel so alive.
Her face was alive with joy/happiness.
Definition 5:
Filled with activity usually + with .

Flower gardens alive with bees [=filled with the activity of many bees]
The city streets are alive [=busy] with shoppers.

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