Sibling Lacks Resistance To Plague

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Sibling Lacks Resistance To Plague” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000189 date September 21, 2020.


Definition 1:
To cause (someone) to feel troubled, worried, or concerned To not bother yourself about/with something or not bother your head about/with something is to not worry or be concerned about something. .

He’s so easygoing. Nothing seems to bother him.
It didn’t bother [=trouble] her in the least that she wasn’t offered the job.
It bothers [=worries] them that there’s no hospital nearby.
Something he said at the meeting has been bothering me.
He decided he wasn’t going to bother himself about the opinions of others.
Don’t bother your head with those questions right now.
Definition 2:
To annoy (someone) :to cause (someone) to feel annoyed .

It bothers [=irks] her when people throw trash on the ground.
He’s bothered [=annoyed] by drivers who don’t use their turn signals.
The entire car trip was filled with complaints like, “Mom, David keeps bothering me!” and “Will you tell him to quit bothering me?”
Definition 3:
To take the time to do something :to make an effort to do something often followed by to + verb or by -ing verb If you can’t be bothered to do something, you do not want to make an effort to do it or are not interested in doing it. .

Mother used to cook elaborate dinners, but with only herself to cook for, she doesn’t bother anymore.
“Should I call later?” “No, don’t bother.”
Nobody bothered [=took the trouble] to tell me the school would be closed today.
He never bothered to explain what happened.
Don’t bother asking him about it. He won’t tell you anything.
Why bother talking if no one is listening?
The trick is somewhat dangerous, so if you can’t be bothered to do it right, then don’t even attempt it.
I asked her to send a picture, but apparently she just couldn’t be bothered (to send one).
Definition 4:
To be concerned with or about something .

I’m not going to bother with the details.
We were told not to bother about the early data [=not to consider or use early data] when writing the report.
Definition 5:
To interrupt or talk to (someone who is working or who wants to be alone) .

Don’t bother your mother right now. She’s very tired.
I hate to bother [=trouble] you, but I was wondering if you could help me with something.
Sorry to bother [=inconvenience] you. I just had a quick question.
Definition 6:
To make (someone) feel sick or uncomfortable .

He said his stomach was bothering him.
Her arthritis has been bothering her.
Definition 7:
To cause a painful or unpleasant feeling in (part of someone’s body) .

The camera strap bothers my shoulder.
The bright light bothered her eyes.
Definition 8:
used as an interjection to express annoyance or frustration .

Bother this car! It won’t start!
Oh, bother (it). I forgot my keys.

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