Rowing Team

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Rowing Team” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000194 date September 26, 2020.


Definition 1:
The group of people who operate a ship, airplane, or train .

A skilled member of a ship’s crew
Flight crews
The flight’s passengers and crew
crew members
Definition 2:
The people who work on a ship except the officers and captain .

The ship’s captain and crew
Definition 3:
A group of people who do a specified kind of work together see also ground crew.

A construction crew will begin work on the house next week.
The restaurant’s kitchen crew
Television/news/film crews
The film’s camera crew
We spoke with members of the show’s original cast and crew. [=actors and other people who work to produce a show]
The driver’s pit crew [=people who fix a race car during a race]
One of the factory’s crew chiefs [=people in charge of a group of workers]
Definition 4:
A group of people who are friends or who are doing something together .

He and his crew [=gang] used to hang out at the bowling alley.
We were a motley crew [=an unusual mixed group] of musicians and athletes.
Definition 5:
A team that rows a boat in a race against other boats .

Crews from several colleges will be competing in today’s race.
Definition 6:
The sport of racing in long, narrow boats that are moved by rowing with oars :rowing .

In college, she participated in both crew and tennis.

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