Roof-like Shelter

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Roof-like Shelter” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 002505 date August 22, 2019.


Definition 1:
A piece of cloth that hangs over a bed, throne, etc., as a decoration or shelter .

A canopy hung over the altar.
A canopy bed [=a bed that has a piece of cloth above it like a roof]
Definition 2:
Something that hangs or spreads out over an area sometimes used figuratively .

A crowd had gathered under the theater canopy. [=the part of the theater building that extends over the sidewalk]
The canopy of the sky
Definition 3:
The highest layer of branches in a forest or on a tree .

The jungle’s thick canopy
Definition 4:
A clear section that covers the part where the pilot sits in some airplanes.

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