
Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Questionable” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001047 date February 03, 2023.


Definition 1:
To think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong often + of .

He’s suspected in four burglaries.
The police suspect him of murder.
No one suspects you of cheating.
Definition 2:
To think that (something) is possibly the cause of something bad usually + of .

The pesticide is suspected of causing cancer.
Definition 3:
To think that (a crime) has possibly been committed .

The police do not suspect murder in this case.
The fire chief suspects arson.
Definition 4:
To think that (something, especially something bad) possibly exists, is true, will happen, etc. .

We suspected a trap.
I suspect it will rain.
Call the doctor immediately if you suspect you’ve been infected.
The latest research confirms what scientists have long suspected.
I suspect she’s not who she says she is.
“We haven’t done our homework.” “I suspected as much.”
Definition 5:
To have feelings of doubt about (something) :to be suspicious about (something) .

I suspected his motives in giving me the money.
I have reason to suspect her sincerity when she makes promises like that.

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