Posh Idiot In Military Detachment

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Posh Idiot In Military Detachment” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000620 date December 03, 2021.


Definition 1:
A single thing, person, or group that is a part of something larger .

The family is the basic unit of society.
The search party broke up into smaller units.
Their army unit guarded the border.
Definition 2:
A part of a hospital where a particular type of care is provided .

The intensive care unit
A trauma unit
Definition 3:
A particular amount of length, time, money, etc., that is used as a standard for counting or measuring .

Feet and meters are units of length.
units of measurement
The dollar is the principal unit of American currency.
Definition 4:
A part of a school course or textbook with a particular subject .

Our class is finishing up the unit on World War I.
Definition 5:
An amount of work used for measuring a student’s progress towards earning a degree in a school, college, etc. .

Each unit of credit represents 120 classroom hours.
Definition 6:
An individual item of one of the products that a company makes and sells .

Last year the company sold 200,000 units of that particular model of car.
Definition 7:
A machine or part of a machine or system that has a particular use .

An air-conditioning unit
A portable/handheld unit
The computer’s central processing unit
Definition 8:
One of a number of apartments in a building .

The building is divided into eight units.
Definition 9:
A set of similar pieces of furniture (such as shelves or cabinets) that are grouped or attached together .

A built-in storage/wall unit
(chiefly Brit) a kitchen unit [=a set of kitchen cabinets and appliances]

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