Percussion Item

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Percussion Item” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000259 date November 30, 2020.


Definition 1:
A musical instrument that is made with a thin layer of skin or plastic stretched over the end of a round frame and that is played by hitting the skin or plastic with sticks or with your hands see also kettledrum snare drum steel drum.

A child beating on a drum
We heard the rhythmic beating of drums.
She plays the drums.
That was Miles Davis on trumpet and Max Roach on drums. [=playing the drums]
Definition 2:
The sound that is made when something hits a surface over and over again .

He lay listening to the steady drum of the rain on the roof.
Definition 3:
A large usually metal container for liquids .

Oil drums
A 55-gallon drum
Definition 4:
A machine or part of a machine that is shaped like a cylinder .

The drum of a clothes dryer

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