Paunch Good For Goering

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Paunch Good For Goering” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000418 date May 15, 2021.


Definition 1:
The internal organs of an animal .

The guts of the fish
Fish guts [=entrails]
Definition 2:
The inside parts of something .

The guts of a machine
Definition 3:
The most important parts of something .

The guts of a business deal
Definition 4:
courage The expression no guts, no glory is sometimes used in informal U.S. English to mean that if you do not have courage, you will never achieve success and fame..

That decision took a lot of guts.
I didn’t have the guts to do it.
Definition 5:
used to talk about feelings, ideas, etc., that come from your emotions and from what seems true or right rather than from logic or reason .

She knew in her gut that he was lying.
He knew he had to trust his gut [=instincts] and do what felt right.
What does your gut tell you to do?
Definition 6:
A person’s stomach or the part of the body that contains the stomach :belly .

Her cruel remark was like a kick in the gut.
He has a big gut.
Definition 7:
intestine .

A problem affecting the gut
Definition 8:
catgut .

A violin with gut strings

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