Pass By Circuit On Silverstone’s Borders

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Pass By Circuit On Silverstone’s Borders” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000180 date September 12, 2020.


Definition 1:
An occurrence in which you fail to think or act in the usual or proper way for a brief time and make a mistake often + in often + of .

He blamed the error on a minor mental lapse.
As he grew older he began to have memory lapses. [=times when he forgot things that he should have remembered]
A lapse in decorum/civility/judgment
A serious lapse in security
She had a brief lapse of attention/concentration.
Definition 2:
An occurrence in which someone behaves badly for usually a short period of time .

Moral lapses
A politician who is being accused of ethical lapses [=accused of doing things that are not ethical]
Definition 3:
A change that results in worse behavior .

A lapse into bad habits
Definition 4:
A period of time between events often + of .

He returned to college after a lapse of several years.
Definition 5:
The ending of something that happens when the payments necessary for it to continue are not made often + of .

The lapse of an insurance policy
The lapse of a magazine subscription

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