Mild-mannered Chap Drained Lake

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Mild-mannered Chap Drained Lake” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000579 date October 23, 2021.


Definition 1:
Having or showing a kind and quiet nature :not harsh or violent .

A very gentle man/dog
A dog that is gentle with children
Your mother has a gentle manner/voice/smile.
gentle eyes
A gentle sense of humor
A gentle giant [=a large but gentle person or animal]
Definition 2:
Not hard or forceful .

A gentle rain/breeze/wind
gentle movements
A gentle push
Apply gentle [=soft] pressure to the area.
I heard a gentle knock at the door.
Definition 3:
Not strong or harsh in effect or quality .

A gentle soap = a soap that is gentle on the skin
It’s a delicate problem that requires gentle handling/treatment.
The job requires a gentle touch.
The cold snap was a gentle reminder that winter was coming.
gentle flavors
Definition 4:
Not steep or sharp .

A gentle slope/hill
A gentle curve

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