
Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Method” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000547 date September 21, 2021.


Definition 1:
A group of related parts that move or work together see also ecosystem pa system public address system solar system sound system.

A system of rivers
Railroad systems
A security/telephone/heating system
An alarm system
A stereo/computer system
Definition 2:
A body of a person or animal thought of as an entire group of parts that work together usually singular .

The disease affected her entire system.
Greasy foods are not good for your system.
No drugs were found in his system.
Definition 3:
A group of organs that work together to perform an important function of the body see also central nervous system immune system nervous system.

The digestive/reproductive/respiratory system
Definition 4:
A way of managing, controlling, organizing, or doing something that follows a set of rules or a plan often + of see also honor system metric system operating system.

The legal system
The players like the coach’s system.
Under the new system, students will have to pass an exam to graduate.
She devised a new filing system.
We need a better system for handling incoming e-mail.
The state’s system of education
A democratic system of government
Every religion has its own system of beliefs and practices.
Definition 5:
A powerful government or social organization that controls people’s lives .

You can’t beat the system.
We spent our youth rebelling against the system.

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