Merge Or Unite

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Merge Or Unite” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000574 date October 18, 2021.


Definition 1:
To cause (two or more things) to be together or to work together often + with .

We decided to combine both methods/techniques.
The groups have combined forces to lobby for reform.
The drug may be combined with other treatments.
Definition 2:
To mix (two or more things) together to form a single thing .

Combine the ingredients (together) in a large bowl.
combining oxygen and/with hydrogen
Definition 3:
To come together and form a single thing or group .

Atoms combine [=unite] to form molecules.
The two companies combined [=merged] under his leadership.
Definition 4:
To have (two or more different things) at the same time .

A writer whose novels combine imagination and scholarship
She found it difficult to combine a career and family.
This method of payment combines the advantages of cash with the convenience of a check.
Definition 5:
To act together .

Many factors combined to cause the recession.
All of these elements combine to make a wonderfully entertaining movie.

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