Look Quickly In Small Tin

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Look Quickly In Small Tin” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000457 date June 23, 2021.


Definition 1:
To look at (something) carefully usually in order to find someone or something .

He scanned the field with binoculars.
He scanned the audience looking for his parents.
She scanned his face for any clue to what he was thinking.
The program is scanning [=searching] the computer’s files.
Definition 2:
To look over or read (something) quickly + obj no obj .

She quickly scanned the pages of the newspaper.
She scanned through the list to find her name.
Definition 3:
To look at the inside of (something) by using a special machine .

Their bags were scanned at the airport.
This machine scans a patient’s brain.
Definition 4:
To use a special machine to read or copy (something, such as a photograph or a page of text) into a computer + obj no obj .

She scanned her photos into her computer.
scan in the number
The cashier scanned the bar code on the box.
The bar code won’t scan. [=the machine is unable to read the bar code]
Definition 5:
To have a correct or regular rhythm .

These lines do not scan.

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