
Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Incriminate” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000573 date October 17, 2021.


Definition 1:
The basic structure and shape of the body of a person or animal .

She had to extend every inch of her five-foot frame [=body] to reach the top shelf.
Her petite/slight/thin/wiry frame
His large/lanky/lean frame
Definition 2:
An arrangement of parts that support and form the basic shape of something .

The frame of a house
A bicycle frame
The car’s steel frame
Definition 3:
An open structure that holds something (such as glass or a picture) see also cold frame.

A picture/window/door frame
Definition 4:
The plastic or metal structure that holds the lenses of eyeglasses .

I need new frames for my glasses.
Definition 5:
One of the pictures in the series of pictures that make up a film see also freeze-frame.

The film runs at eight frames per second.
Definition 6:
One of the drawings in the series of drawings that make up a comic strip.

Definition 7:
A section of a Web page that is like a small separate page :a section of a Web page that has its own scroll bar.

Definition 8:
rack 6.

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