Improve Morally In Lift

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Improve Morally In Lift” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000825 date June 26, 2022.


Definition 1:
To lift (something) up .

The doctor told her to elevate [=raise] her leg.
Definition 2:
To increase the level of (something) :to make (something) higher .

Exercises that elevate the heart rate
Definition 3:
To raise (someone) to a higher rank or level .

He was elevated to (the position of) chairman. = He was elevated to the chairmanship.
Definition 4:
To improve the mind or mood of (someone) .

A great book can both elevate and entertain its readers.
A great book can elevate the human spirit.
It was an elevating [=uplifting] experience.

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