Have In Mind

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Have In Mind” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000868 date August 08, 2022.


Definition 1:
To plan or want to do (something) :to have (something) in your mind as a purpose or goal usually followed by to + verb .

He intended that his daughter would inherit the business. = (Brit) He intended leaving the business to his daughter.
I didn’t intend any disrespect.
I didn’t intend to show any disrespect.
He intended to leave the business to his daughter.
She clearly intends to stay here.
He didn’t intend to hurt anybody.
Definition 2:
To plan for or want (someone or something) to do or be something usually followed by to + verb .

We intended that she come with us.
We intended her to come with us.
They intended the wedding to be formal.
If everything goes as intended [=if everything happens in the way that has been planned], he will graduate this spring.
Definition 3:
To want (something that you control, provide, or have made) to be used for a particular purpose or by a particular person often followed by to + verb often + for usually used as (be) intended sometimes + as .

The person who donated the computers intended them to be used in classrooms.
The author intended the book for adults.
The book was intended for adults.
These computers were intended [=meant] to be used in classrooms.
The bullet was intended for him. [=the person who shot the gun wanted the bullet to hit him]
The film was intended to educate people.
The program is intended to make life easier for working parents.
It was never intended as a substitute for the real thing.
Definition 4:
To want (something) to express a particular meaning usually used as (be) intended often + as often followed by to + verb .

What was intended by the author? [=what meaning was the author trying to express?]
The comment was not intended [=meant] as an insult.
The arrests were intended as a warning to other criminals.
The comment was not intended to be an insult.

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