Harassed Communist Removed Symbol

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Harassed Communist Removed Symbol” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000220 date October 22, 2020.


Definition 1:
A small object (such as a tag, pin, or metal shield) that is worn or held up by a person so that it can be easily seen, that has writing (such as a person’s name) and often a picture on it, and that shows who the person is .

The policeman flashed his badge.
Don’t forget to wear your name badge.
The receptionist glanced at my visitor’s badge.
Definition 2:
A cloth patch that can be sewn onto clothing and that is awarded to a person (such as a Boy Scout or Girl Scout) for doing something .

She earned 10 merit badges in scouting.
Definition 3:
button 2 .

She was wearing a badge that read “Support your local library.”
Definition 4:
Something that represents or is a sign of something else .

She viewed her failures as a badge of humanity.
He wore his ethnic heritage as a badge of honor/pride. [=he was proud of his ethnic heritage and did not try to hide it]

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