Go Back To Find Shelter

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Go Back To Find Shelter” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000322 date February 08, 2021.


Definition 1:
Movement by soldiers away from an enemy because the enemy is winning or has won a battle noncount count .

The forces are now in (full) retreat.
The army passed through the town on/during its retreat (from the battlefield).
He sounded/signaled the retreat. [=made the signal telling soldiers to begin a retreat]
Definition 2:
Movement away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc. .

Some of her friends were surprised by her retreat from public life following her defeat in the election.
He made/beat a hasty retreat [=he left quickly] when he realized he had entered the wrong office.
Definition 3:
The act of changing your opinion or position on something because it is unpopular usually singular .

The mayor was forced to make a retreat from his earlier position.
Definition 4:
The act or process of moving away count usually singular noncount sometimes used figuratively .

Scientists continue to measure the slow retreat of the glacier.
The retreat of the floodwaters
Studies show the glaciers are in retreat.
Her political influence has been in retreat since the scandal.
Definition 5:
A place that is quiet and private .

She went to her mountain retreat for a quiet weekend.
An idyllic/island/isolated retreat
Definition 6:
A trip to a place where you can quietly pray, think, study, etc. count noncount .

We went on a corporate/spiritual retreat.
The church offers retreats several times a year.
She went on retreat for several weeks last year.

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