Go Back About Metre

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Go Back About Metre” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000322 date February 08, 2021.


Definition 1:
To change (something) to an opposite state or condition .

Our roles as caregiver and patient have been reversed. [=switched]
The runners reversed their direction on the track.
The Supreme Court reversed [=overturned] the decision.
The college is trying to reverse the decline in applicants. [=the college is trying to get more people to apply]
Had our situations been reversed [=if I had been in the situation that you were in], I would have done things differently.
Definition 2:
To cause (something, such as a process) to stop or return to an earlier state .

We cannot reverse [=undo] the damage that is already done.
The medicine may reverse the course of this disease. [=the medicine may stop this disease from getting worse]
There is no way to reverse the aging process.
The operation cannot be reversed. [=undone]
Can anything reverse the trend toward higher prices?
Definition 3:
To change the order or position of (two things or a series) .

Reverse the “i” and “e” in “recieve” to spell “receive” correctly.
My mother and I reversed our roles. Now I’m taking care of her.
We’re going to reverse our usual order and start with Z.
Definition 4:
To switch the positions of the top and bottom or the front and back of (something) .

You need to reverse the paper [=to turn the paper around] in the printer so that the letterhead is up.
Reverse that painting [=turn that painting over] so that I can see the back.
Definition 5:
To drive (a vehicle) backward + obj no obj .

Reverse [=(US) back, back up] the car into/out of the parking space.
Reverse [=(US) back, back up] into/out of the parking space.
The car reversed. [=(US) backed up]

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