Drunken Purser Is To Stagger

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Drunken Purser Is To Stagger” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000495 date July 31, 2021.


Definition 1:
An unexpected event, piece of information, etc. .

What a pleasant surprise to see you!
It’s no surprise that he doesn’t want to go.
Is it any surprise that she should feel disappointed?
The news came as a (complete/total) surprise to everyone. [=everyone was surprised by the news]
It came as no surprise to me. [=I was not surprised by it]
The teacher sprang a surprise on us and gave a pop quiz.
They are in for a (big/real) surprise [=they are going to be very surprised] when they come home.
Definition 2:
An unexpected gift, party, etc. .

I have a special surprise for the children.
The trip was a surprise for her birthday.
Is the party a surprise?
Definition 3:
The feeling caused by something that is unexpected or unusual .

She expressed surprise at their decision. [=she said that she was surprised by their decision]
Imagine our surprise when they sold their house and moved to the Bahamas.
Much to our surprise, she refused. [=we were very surprised when she refused]
He stared at her in surprise.
The attackers were relying on the element of surprise. [=they were relying on their attack being unexpected]
Definition 4:
used as an interjection .

Surprise! Happy Birthday!

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