Dog Missing Old Wine A Ton

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Dog Missing Old Wine A Ton” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000327 date February 13, 2021.


Definition 1:
The number 100 .

A/one hundred (of them)
A hundred and one = one hundred and one = (chiefly US) a hundred one [=101]
Two/several hundred (of them)
Definition 2:
An amount that is more than 200 .

Hundreds (and hundreds) (of them) came. = They came in the hundreds. = (chiefly Brit) They came in their hundreds.
Definition 3:
used to refer to a specified century .

The bridge was built some time in the sixteen-hundreds. [=the 1600s; the 17th century]
Definition 4:
A very large number usually plural .

I’ve seen that movie hundreds of times. [=many times]
Definition 5:
A hundred-dollar bill :a bill that is worth 100 dollars .

Can you give me change for a hundred?
He paid with a couple of hundreds.

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