Doctor Acknowledging One Cause Of Death

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Doctor Acknowledging One Cause Of Death” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000258 date November 29, 2020.


Definition 1:
To die by being underwater too long and unable to breathe .

Four people drowned in the flood.
She fell in the river and drowned.
Definition 2:
To hold (a person or animal) underwater until death occurs .

She claims that he tried to drown her.
He tried to drown himself.
Definition 3:
To cover (something) completely with a liquid .

The river overflowed, drowning whole villages.
The food was drowned in sauce.
Definition 4:
To cause (something or someone) not to be heard by making a loud noise usually + out .

The loud music drowned the sound of their conversation.
Noise from the passing airplane drowned out our conversation.
He talked loudly to try to drown her out.
Definition 5:
To experience or be affected by too much of something :to be overwhelmed by something usually + in no obj + obj .

Many young people today are drowning in credit card debt.
She was drowning in sadness.
I’m being drowned in paperwork. [=I’m being overwhelmed by paperwork]
Definition 6:
To forget about (unpleasant feelings or thoughts) by getting drunk .

He went to the bar to drown his sorrows.
He was trying to drown his fears. [=to get drunk so that he wouldn’t be afraid]

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