Decayed Punk Johnny

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Decayed Punk Johnny” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000337 date February 23, 2021.


Definition 1:
Having rotted or decayed and no longer able to be used, eaten, etc. sometimes used figuratively .

rotten wood
rotten teeth
rotten eggs
The bananas went rotten.
The whole political system is rotten. [=corrupt]
Definition 2:
Very bad or unpleasant .

What rotten [=lousy] luck!
They did a rotten job.
We played a rotten game. [=we did not play well]
What rotten weather we’re having.
Definition 3:
Not well or healthy .

I feel rotten today.
Definition 4:
Not happy or pleased .

I feel rotten [=I feel guilty; I am upset] about what I said.
Definition 5:
Not morally good :not honest, kind, etc. see also rotten apple at apple.

He was a rotten husband. [=he was not a very good husband]
She’s rotten to the core. [=she’s a very bad person; she’s a very dishonest person]
Definition 6:
used for emphasis when you are angry .

You can keep your rotten money!

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