Deal With Proposal

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Deal With Proposal” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001093 date March 21, 2023.


Definition 1:
To move or become near or nearer to something or someone + obj no obj .

The cat approached the baby cautiously.
We are approaching [=nearing] our destination.
The cat approached cautiously.
Ease off the gas pedal to slow down as the bend in the road approaches.
Definition 2:
To move or become near or nearer in time to something + obj no obj .

We are approaching the end of the fiscal year.
She is approaching retirement. [=she will soon be retiring from her job]
Your birthday is approaching fast. = Your birthday is fast approaching. [=your birthday is soon]
Definition 3:
To get close to (an amount or level) .

This weekend we’re expecting temperatures approaching 100 degrees.
The success rates approach 90 percent.
Definition 4:
To be almost the same as (something or someone) .

We were never treated with anything even remotely approaching rudeness. [=no one was at all rude to us]
He has a wild laugh that sometimes approaches hysteria.
A reproduction that approaches the quality of the original painting
When it comes to cooking Italian food, no one can approach her. [=no one is as good at cooking Italian food as she is]
Definition 5:
To start talking to (someone) for some purpose (such as to ask a question or make a request) often used as (be) approached .

The supervisor is quite easy to approach, so don’t hesitate to bring up any problems you have.
We were advised to never be too aggressive when approaching a potential client.
He was approached about the job but he didn’t take it.
I was approached by a young boy asking me to make a donation.
Definition 6:
To begin to deal with or think about (something) .

When writing, consider the way your reader will approach the text.
She approached the problem from a different angle.
I will approach the idea with an open mind.

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