Course Available In Religious Studies

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Course Available In Religious Studies” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000262 date December 03, 2020.


Definition 1:
A way to get from one place to another place .

We didn’t know what route to take/follow.
An escape route in case of fire
A parade route
We took the scenic route. [=a way that is not the fastest way but that has beautiful scenery]
Definition 2:
A way that someone or something regularly travels along .

A major bird migratory route
A bus/truck route
A mail route
(US) She has a paper route. [=(Brit) paper round; a job of delivering newspapers to the same places every day]
Definition 3:
A way of achieving or doing something .

The route [=road] to success
You could take a different route and still arrive at the same conclusion.
I decided to go/take the traditional route [=do the traditional thing] and have a big wedding.
Definition 4:
A usually minor highway .

Take Route 2 into town.
We live on a rural route.

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