Choose To Drop Policemen In River

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Choose To Drop Policemen In River” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000834 date July 05, 2022.


Definition 1:
To make a choice about (something) :to choose (something) after thinking about it + obj often followed by to + verb often + what, where, whether, if, etc. no obj .

He decided that dinner would be at 7 o’clock, and asked guests to arrive at 6.
She decided to go along with us.
They have decided not to leave.
Have you decided what you’d like for breakfast?
He is having trouble deciding which school to go to.
She says she’ll decide by January whether (or not) to run for office.
We are deciding if we should stay.
She is having difficulty deciding about the offer.
I decided in favor of the other candidate. [=I chose the other candidate]
Voters must decide between the two candidates. [=voters must choose one or the other candidate]
You have to decide for yourself. [=you are the only one who can decide]
I decided against telling her. [=I decided not to tell her]
Definition 2:
To choose whether or not to believe (something) after thinking about it :to reach a conclusion about (something) because of evidence + obj no obj .

They decided that he was right.
I am trying to decide if it’s warm enough for swimming.
“Do you think she is telling the truth?” “I’m not sure. I’m still trying to decide.”
Definition 3:
To cause (something) to end in a particular way :to determine what the result of (something) will be + obj no obj often used as deciding .

A few hundred votes could decide the election.
One blow decided the fight.
This battle could very well decide the war.
Will the business be successful? Let the public decide.
The deciding game in the series [=the game that determines who wins the series]
The vice president will cast the deciding vote.
Definition 4:
To end (a court case) in a particular way :to make a judgment in a court of law + obj no obj .

The case will be decided by the Supreme Court.
The court decided against the defendant. [=the defendant was found guilty]
The court decided in favor of the plaintiff. = (less commonly) The court decided for the plaintiff. [=the plaintiff won the case]

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