
Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Catastrophe” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000221 date October 23, 2020.


Definition 1:
Something (such as a flood, tornado, fire, plane crash, etc.) that happens suddenly and causes much suffering or loss to many people .

The program examined several bridge failures and other engineering disasters.
A nuclear disaster
The earthquake was one of the worst natural disasters [=a disaster caused by natural forces] of this century.
The state is asking for federal disaster relief. [=money to help rebuild an area after a disaster]
Definition 2:
Something that has a very bad effect or result count noncount .

The new regulations could be a disaster for smaller businesses.
Opponents say the government’s policy is a disaster waiting to happen. [=something that will probably have a very bad or tragic result]
They’re trying to find a way to avoid disaster.
They narrowly escaped disaster.
The new regulations could spell disaster [=result in serious problems] for smaller businesses.
The government’s policy is a recipe for disaster. = The government is flirting with disaster by pursuing this policy.
When disaster strikes, [=when something very bad happens] we will be prepared.
Definition 3:
A complete or terrible failure .

Economic/financial disasters
The dinner party was a complete disaster.

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