Bold Or Frank

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Bold Or Frank” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000258 date November 29, 2020.


Definition 1:
The forward part or surface of something :the part of something that is seen first usually singular see also shop front storefront.

The front of a shirt
The front of the house [=the part facing the street]
The jacket zips down the front. [=has a zipper that goes from the collar to the waist to open and close it]
There’s a picture on the front of the box. [=on the part of the box that usually faces out and that you see first]
Definition 2:
A place, position, or area that is most forward or is directly ahead usually singular .

The teacher asked her to come (up) to the front of the classroom.
She was sitting in the front of the bus.
Definition 3:
The part of your body that faces forward and includes your face and chest usually singular .

The baby rolled onto his front.
Definition 4:
The part of a book, magazine, etc., that includes the first few pages usually singular .

You’ll find that information in the front of the book.
Definition 5:
A way of behaving that is meant to hide your true feelings, thoughts, etc. .

I can’t believe that your anger was all just a front! [=that you were pretending to be angry]
She put up a good/brave front, but I know she was very disappointed. [=she acted as if she was not disappointed]
Definition 6:
Someone or something that hides or protects an illegal activity .

The business is a front for organized crime.
Definition 7:
An area where military forces are fighting see also home front.

The general is sending more troops to the front.
Definition 8:
An area or field of activity usually singular .

We are making progress on the educational front.
Not much has been happening on the political front.
Definition 9:
The place where two large areas of air that are of different temperatures come together see also cold front warm front.

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