Body To Refuse To Hold Pose

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Body To Refuse To Hold Pose” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000190 date September 22, 2020.


Definition 1:
The quality or state of being dense: such as.

Definition 2:
The quality of having parts that are close together .

The jungle’s density
Definition 3:
The quality of being difficult to see through .

We were surprised by the fog’s density.
Definition 4:
The quality of being difficult to understand .

The density of her writing style
Definition 5:
The amount of something in a particular space or area count noncount .

This part of the country has a high population density. [=many people live in this part of the country]
There has been an increase in (population) density in this area.
Definition 6:
The amount of matter in something that is shown by the relationship between its weight and size count noncount .

Metals with different densities
These instruments are used for measuring the density of the atmosphere.
Older women who have lost bone density [=whose bones are less solid and heavy]

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