Blend Gallon Put Into Lake

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Blend Gallon Put Into Lake” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000248 date November 19, 2020.


Definition 1:
To cause (two or more things, such as two companies) to come together and become one thing :to join or unite (one thing) with another .

They planned to merge [=combine, unite] the two companies.
Their music merges [=blends, combines] different styles from around the world.
To save the business, the owners decided to merge it with one of their competitors.
Definition 2:
To become joined or united often + with often + into .

The two banks merged to form one large institution.
Many small companies have been forced to merge.
Three lanes of traffic all merge at this point.
Many small companies have been forced to merge with other small companies.
The two former rivals have merged into one large business.
Three lanes of traffic merge into one.
Definition 3:
To change into or become part of something else in a very gradual way .

Day slowly merged into night.
Along the coast the mountains gradually merge with the shore.
She merged into the crowd and disappeared.

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