Animal, Most Successful, Devours Adult

Thank you for using our website to find The Sun 2-Speed Crossword Answers. Below is the solution for the question: “Animal, Most Successful, Devours Adult” from the The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 000832 date July 03, 2022.


Definition 1:
An animal .

Dogs and other four-footed beasts
Wild beasts
The birds and beasts of the forest
A conflict between man and beast [=between human beings and animals]
Definition 2:
A wild animal that is large, dangerous, or unusual .

They were attacked by a savage beast.
A story about a mythical/imaginary beast [=creature] with two heads
Definition 3:
An unkind or cruel person .

He’s a cruel, hateful beast!
Her beast of a husband [=her husband who is a beast]
Definition 4:
A person or thing of a particular kind .

Reading modern English is one thing, but understanding Shakespeare is an entirely different beast. [=is an entirely different thing; is entirely different]
A powerful political beast [=a powerful politician]

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