The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001642 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001642 Answers for Friday, September 20, 2024

Across Clues

8 Herald quietly agrees changes
9 Writer on radio makes veggie dip
10 Rodent confined in church box
11 Surrender once captured by regulars in cadre
12 More flashy English garment
14 Not hard to damage sleeve
16 Grass over lovely Cambridge Backs
17 Discover wobble in car seat
19 After time sees delivery charges
21 Rocking etc in old-time musical group
22 Sophisticated, put money aside to cover University
23 Forming a unit see unit formed

Down Clues

1 Longest key?
2 Divide and eat pears chopped up
3 Mentioned lifetime in stunned state
4 Save energy with curse undone
5 Excellent currency almost shows splendour
6 Horrible: evil perhaps
7 Look in two-thirds of summerhouse
13 AA refers drunken sailor
14 Stock comes in here and is taken out
15 Musician’s male in street on left
18 Capable Charlie means to apply pressure
19 Bother minister ignoring religious instruction
20 Clothes line?
21 Banish from Houston

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