The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001640 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001640 Answers for Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Across Clues

8 Ravel went wrong in piece at the end
9 An actor’s role is distinct
10 View location in Shakespeare?
11 I give up consuming Tango, a cold drink
12 Witness mates, hammered, opening old wine
15 Croesus keeps some deer
16 Note parking concession
17 Bears arms in the wars? Shame
20 Gunners in retreat pursued by field marshal
22 Hotel out of sushi beginning to exasperate girl
24 Apparition in relative darkness
25 Burn up old woman in Greek island

Down Clues

1 In France I raise tax for wealthy crowd
2 Eyesore small yet appalling
3 Educated rat among silly elite
4 Live on the edge
5 Rooney we hear to decline in power
6 Beria introduces law that could lay people low
7 Attack in fast RAF effort
13 Nurse Pam treated hero
14 News boss after party severely punished
16 Box someone emptied and scattered
18 What makes white sand around lake
19 Sound unit puts echo into renovated store
21 Christmas without the Spanish?
23 Blacken some Chinese artichokes

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