The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001622 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001622 Answers for Saturday, August 31, 2024

Across Clues

1 Send for servant-boy
4 Force one to have home and family life
8 Barbarian and wise man round V&A
9 Skate home?
10 Mad to stop drink appearing in puzzle
12 Fixed in a flash
13 Rush job?
15 Expose caterer regularly hiding vermin
17 Beckon in White Horse?
19 Cool refreshment transformed one wet acre
21 Passenger finally entering smart train
22 Wedding appallingly ribald
23 Genuine duck is dearest
24 Convict recalled having a field day?

Down Clues

2 Stone silver eroded
3 See old Ugandan dictator in river
4 Enemy following old European
5 Note wave-riding champ’s come up again
6 Personnel in small Welsh river
7 Sunk in ready under the sea
11 Brave action wrong in Democrat party
14 Plug connecting to a different port?
16 One in wild garden in festival town
18 English XI the French banish
20 Message put about in Parliament
22 Garden visitor’s endless complaint

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