The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001611 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001611 Answers for Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Across Clues

1 About to abandon the whole thing
5 Way Shirley cleaned out trunk
8 Long piano in conservatoire at last
9 Coach silly Ivan left in festive occasion
10 Think to arbitrate? About time!
11 Admirer eating large pie
12 Present times as a result of this
15 Not all the members having payment ready
17 Undergarment features in detective story
19 Jumpy when deprived of sleep?
22 Sin grips a cleaner in rectory
23 Greeks initially beat back bloodsucker
24 Teased outrageously but calm
25 Canine coat?

Down Clues

2 Sound from inside volcano is evil
3 Record one Semite mobilised
4 Variable luck ignoring tips about plant
5 Entering ship, nears Rolling Stones
6 Unbending in small argument
7 English bloke worried in Spring
13 One living alone before having child
14 Say a cart goes uphill: say how far?
16 An attempt to throw back sausage
18 Found in Helvetia: rather small crown
20 Scandinavian vegetable
21 Scandal involving meat in southeast

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