The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001569 Answers

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Each crossword clue is hyperlinked to a dedicated page where you’ll find its corresponding answer.

Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001569 Answers for Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Across Clues

1 A f-fee for what solicitors do?
5 Win, loss or draw, Ulster prepared
8 Cricketer Joe also right back
9 Gypsy man cutting steak finding long horn?
10 Say Lecter broadcast on the air
11 English graduate cross about test
12 Putting on these vegetables
15 Nurse in Addenbrooke’s is terrific
17 Girl disheartened for very long time
19 Aeolus: he redesigned pub
22 Mythical island: Satan left it out!
23 Phrase master mariner uses
24 Angel cake primarily eaten by its creator?
25 Having estates secured

Down Clues

2 Boast new tooth replacement
3 Tedious broadcast that’s remote
4 Term teacher initially wearing hat
5 Ungovernable suitor curious about love
6 Fur, black, found in auction
7 Injured eagle in descent
13 Man on wagon in AA meeting
14 Completely upset by terrible threats
16 In battle he’s torn and cut
18 Harsh time in Channel Island
20 Arts supporter in Chelsea selected
21 Eddy initially showing desire

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