The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001565 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001565 Answers for Friday, July 5, 2024

Across Clues

8 Girl in time becomes mediocre
9 Have say in teashop in Esher
10 Girl to go forth
11 Vain spinning top having no force
12 Flying aviator in for change
14 XV not finishing meal
16 Bloody end for another news boss
17 Street mix produces zealot
19 Sailor, born in prison, leaves?
21 Hide, given time, having no cash
22 Maybe Tony died after a struggle
23 Got to study about Guevara

Down Clues

1 Ignore religious festival
2 Daughter cleared out as stated
3 Month round north is plenty
4 Twins in heritage ministry
5 Satisfy number in Tory grip
6 Newsreader Jane over this? No!
7 Heavy metal guitar
13 Corrupt idea, deal that makes capital
14 Vampire saga with one large drunk outside
15 Bearing gift, having time for papa
18 He blocks Conservative plan
19 Shy person left in river
20 Pitt say wrong about Republican
21 Punch friends turning up

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