The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001563 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001563 Answers for Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Across Clues

8 Woman representing a nation?
9 Liberal politician into the drink
10 Make sense in total
11 Loose dress: hem is dropped in church
12 Some make-up for lookers?
15 William somewhat poorly
16 One captured by RN fled
17 Okay to take to Dart eel that wriggles
20 Colonist one getting comfortable?
22 Nothing unaltered in desert haven
24 Polish monument Resistance snubbed
25 Bizarre scenes initially exorcising spirit

Down Clues

1 Wild wiseacre outside V&A
2 Virile man becomes boss
3 Two pictures for one?
4 Turned and fled: detectives chasing
5 At last splendid beer comes to valley
6 Positive thinker to choose one film
7 Food energy in clear mixture
13 Structure in Steinbeck shows genius
14 Old soldier she shot with arrow
16 Struggle is in balance
18 Fat Eleanor emptied food store
19 Deli’s parking terrible: drive away
21 Shelter over king and national emblem
23 Something evil and good in grass

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