The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001561 Answers

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Each crossword clue is hyperlinked to a dedicated page where you’ll find its corresponding answer.

Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001561 Answers for Monday, July 1, 2024

Across Clues

1 Art sect to split and disperse
5 Spruce in small trading centre
8 Skin-basher given shiner by Romeo
9 Guy necessarily cool at Xmas?
10 Leave drunk man in high condition?
11 Fresh Supertramp content
13 Award bestowed in Slade Green
15 Chase funds upper-class invested
18 Quick to ditch ultimate dairy product
19 Disciple: stick with New Testament
22 Sad after race, gradually deteriorate
23 Cat formerly circling university
24 House that you had to render finally
25 Guess users mad about M1

Down Clues

1 Hang up?
2 Conscious conflict in A&E
3 Trio going round at noon are menacing
4 Duty list resort altered
5 Second record is hard work
6 Lacking purpose Selma is drunk
7 Doctrine whichever way you look at it
12 Nancy’s farewell?
14 Good dinner broadcast is beamed
16 Intense ex leaves home: maiden found inside?
17 Beautiful man said no unfortunately
18 Cap lonely female mislaid
20 Boredom seen in pupil regularly
21 Trip to ancient city

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