The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001560 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001560 Answers for Sunday, June 30, 2024

Across Clues

1 Might old one rekindle relationship?
4 Tar that’s mine, but needing a stir
8 Demented broadcast? No time to be edited
9 Possessed one daughter, keeping wife
10 Decadent rum transferred to glass?
12 Carry European toboggan
14 Campanologist’s double?
15 Betting house is a con unfortunately
18 Scottish inventor takes time in temple
19 Night SAS lost battle
21 Traitor into Old English makes speech
22 Genuine one in screen adaptation?
24 Proper bloke and slippery character
25 Euro’s unstable? Wake up!

Down Clues

1 Slip perhaps, following one senior person
2 Bitter perhaps in General Election
3 Peace-making counsel put at risk
4 Evil microbe almost gets hound
5 Left-winger hurried pace
6 Northerner’s maniac wrestling with nun
7 Elbow exposed: good pokes?
11 Force prisoners to exercise
13 Speedy Frenchman pulled up zip
16 Shocking fuss after outside broadcast
17 Boy, passionate, upset girl
18 Sin with with Romeo on grass initially
20 Present from the recruits
23 Bird Madagascan primate skinned

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