The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001559 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001559 Answers for Saturday, June 29, 2024

Across Clues

1 Drink given with soft meat
4 Chases jobs
8 Old mother reported complaint
9 Attack same point twice that’s on chin
10 Building workers dividing opinion
12 Despicable person’s taken head off fish
13 Mild-mannered chap drained lake
15 Confront model put to work
17 Amusing person gives context
19 Ostrich one flying? That’s momentous
21 Underling displaying a lot of leg?
22 Beast in man: I’m a leprechaun!
23 Circuits covered with grass deteriorated
24 First wife and knight on terms

Down Clues

2 Poor clue about new family member
3 Ideal to promote right person in authority
4 Seed found in ripe artichoke
5 This rogue’s reformed, just!
6 Employment gives us time
7 Likely backer when climbers need training
11 Animals sloshed in London?
14 Look at one among wandering axemen
16 Peril of doctored dossier
18 Girl in Chester I called
20 Claim agent’s persona
22 Answer two dukes put together

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