The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001546 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001546 Answers for Sunday, June 16, 2024

Across Clues

1 Grand house in very bad area
4 Scale up in production for medicine
8 Bean for drink stronger they say
9 Rubbish put back in metal skip
10 Fish brought into pub: time to be rude
12 Start PC in Wellington?
14 Deny wife leaving prison
15 Different churches seizing an opportunity
18 Champ, caught, fell
19 Chillier setting for a new kitchen vessel
21 Knight piercing heart: that’s deliberate
22 Energetic NYC maid dancing
24 Caught editor tucking into awfully hard cheese
25 The Big Dipper?

Down Clues

1 Volume with silly senior account
2 Throw up?
3 Supreme soul beat reproduced
4 Restrictions Charles imposed outside home
5 Move lightly across ravine
6 One abroad loved touring northern plain
7 In there Cthulhu’s standing
11 Broken Easter egg put aside
13 Halpern’s working for change?
16 Some fear a chest pain
17 Road taken through South African frontier
18 Magazine politico Michael’s grabbed
20 Virile man is boss
23 Filth from curmudgeon

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