The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001392 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001392 Answers for Sunday, January 14, 2024

Across Clues

1 Gruesome trophy in fiscal policy
4 Southeastern gales explosive? You may need these
8 Public sale brings university into battle
9 Climb with laces tangled?
10 Pearl met Dicky here for date?
12 Ask model
14 Prompt Bolshevik saves time
15 Back biters?
18 Petrol container in Panzer say
19 One stands to win this easily?
21 Gas round region
22 Smooth head shaved close
24 Organic fuel around lake Ed gathered
25 Suspicious about English being tired

Down Clues

1 Small mobile home or Beetle?
2 Line taken from popular culture
3 All types encountered in this trade?
4 Man from the south strayed from path
5 American orchestra too?
6 Bats are able to develop
7 Root we’d seen in Home Counties?
11 Fish and fruit only
13 Cheaply-made beer in tea?
16 Please pay in full
17 Girl retains a right to pillage
18 Soldiers and monkeys
20 Subsequently occupying an extension
23 Girl in Uncle Vanya

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