The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001318 Answers

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Each crossword clue is hyperlinked to a dedicated page where you’ll find its corresponding answer.

Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001318 Answers for Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Across Clues

8 Horsey person?
9 Fire close to club lounge
10 Nothing fantastic in Greek letter
11 Mean to wreck veg area
12 Relative needing financial support
15 Rum included in good diet
16 Two officials covering court
17 Carrier in shark cave ripped to shreds
20 Necessary end: fuel thrown out
22 Admitted being possessed
24 Glower from club user initially barred
25 Mum concealing a mark needs cosmetic

Down Clues

1 Correspondence course’s leader in a tie
2 Some stock needed for joint
3 German reversed round a vehicle in grassland
4 Misshapen ear not decorated
5 Clever student in Lincoln?
6 He loved it back in Avon as a child
7 G-man back close to guard
13 Pithy sayings in a Bible book
14 Animal turning to Tories
16 Stork, say, crossing north, to go astray
18 Capacity in book
19 Goat put to sleep in Shanghai?
21 Well-established business
23 Within earshot? Literally so!

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