The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001298 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001298 Answers for Thursday, October 12, 2023

Across Clues

1 Book covered by radical automaton
4 Job description?
8 Loaf with rum ruined recipe
9 Flora’s partner?
10 Start out with menu change
11 Prune polo pony grabs
12 BBC initially advertised free
14 Redistributing aid, rev disagreed
17 Cat giving Tantomile heart
19 Seek shelter: get insurance?
22 Pupil, Australian, stores rice
23 Logical person sure to succeed
24 American team amazingly keen say
25 Guide ranch animal

Down Clues

1 Female into line-up for makeover
2 There’s good deal in pub profit
3 Goes round French city
4 Gym fan eating a bit of a snack?
5 Lifted heavy cheese cloth
6 Match in the qualifiers
7 Bottom edge of bat hit, caught
12 US to pay out for last exam?
13 Stupidly UN tried to meddle
15 Opposite in poetry
16 Animals able to hum badly?
18 Initially Mister Musk provides fruit
20 Mentions tourist attractions audibly
21 King provides measuring device

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