The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001277 Answers

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Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001277 Answers for Thursday, September 21, 2023

Across Clues

1 Tall building has collapsed by the way
4 Pay them off to show fellow-feeling
8 Sneer at restructured firm
9 Drummer who ate my hamster?
10 Author’s name Dumpynose perhaps
11 Feathery layer in the nest
12 Comeback from comedians we respect
14 If not minus one in France?
17 Adult with two names, and this one!
19 We hear earnings illegal for official
22 Sly character Bob Marley entertains in comeback?
23 Loamy ground beyond an exceptional thing?
24 Erasmus could become Rubber Man
25 Plant requires small border

Down Clues

1 Clean and search for bugs
2 Bald husband leaves, being stuffy
3 Romeo coming in late causes terror
4 Shelter found after old lover gives amount
5 One delivers mail, not spam for a change
6 Cheat horribly to inform
7 Unusually frosty north: underwear needed
12 What makes Shakespeare seek a seraph?
13 Section in bizarre pies poem
15 Criminal male with red and green stone
16 Is this where bankers are hiding cake?
18 Handles terribly mean son
20 Catty remarks and love in converted stables
21 This for season among swarthy men

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