The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001276 Answers

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Each crossword clue is hyperlinked to a dedicated page where you’ll find its corresponding answer.

Latest update: The Sun 2 Speed Crossword No 001276 Answers for Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Across Clues

8 Mythical horseman?
9 Post in computers?
10 Old characters go round with meat
11 Travelling light?
12 Furore with theatrical flop in prankster’s article
15 Relative in Sheerness isolated
16 Narrowly defeat Dickensian hero
17 Tape that needs tying again?
20 Reversed role: sailor as pest controller
22 Rope perhaps where London executions occurred
24 Desperate character at church disco
25 Self-inflicted damage to have purpose

Down Clues

1 A burden? Not this sort of clue!
2 Little room beneath His roof?
3 Parliamentarian in warm lake swimming
4 Noble person seen in Paris today
5 Intend to be generous? The opposite
6 Write and ask about sport
7 100 members getting rises
13 Mon petit could be powerless
14 Singer to ban one note
16 Andrew regularly accompanies Norm in March
18 Hostage-taker in cover on hill
19 Confuse lager with bitter initially
21 Whirl about a bit more elegantly
23 Seek hand of daughter in club

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